Tuesday, July 14, 2020

2020 Tuesday, July 14th

1 instinct \'in-,stin(k)t\ n [ME, fr. L instinctus impulse, fr. instinguere to incite; akin to L instigare to instigate] (15c)  1 : a natural or inherent aptitude, impulse, or capacity <had an ~ for the right word>  2 a : a largely inheritable and unalterable tendency of an organism to make a complex and specific response to environmental stimuli without involving reason b : behavior that is mediated by reactions below the conscious level --- instinctual \in-'stin(k)-che-wel, -chel, -shwel, -chu-el\ adj --- instinctually adv
2 instinct \in-'stin(k)t, 'in-,\ adj (1667)  1 obs : impelled by an inner or animating or exciting agency  2 : profoundly imbued: INFUSED <my mood, ~ with romance --- S. J. Perelman>
Meriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary Eleventh Edition 
"No Bake Cherry Cheese Cake by
StaceyBabe Peter 
Potholderz4@GMAIL.com, no."

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Independence Weekend 2020

Sheol, n. [Heb She ol] (1597) : the abode of the dead in early Hebrew thought
"inspired by M's Table, Mocomichi Hayami YouTuber, no."
"StaceyBabe Peter 
Potholderz4@GMAIL.com, no."